Marketing Liverpool, 2030hub and LVEN (Liverpool Visitor Economy Network) invite you to join us for...
The Sustainable Development Goals are a blueprint to achieve a socially just and environmentally sustainable...
Did you know that the city has signed a pledge to become a net zero...
Do you want your business to make a bigger difference? 2030hub is bringing the B...
Fingers crossed for good weather as we invite you all to our new home at...
A chance to catch up and meet all the up north certified B Corps, those...
Join online for free advice for businesses about B Corp and the UN Sustainable Development...
Tags advice, B Corp, Business, corporate social responsibility, CSR, Global Goals, netzero, pro bono, purpose, SDGs, sustainability
Join 2030hub to explore the fastest growing and most important business movement on the planet...
Join 2030hub for our new online Ask Us Anything surgeries to share our expertise and...
Tags advice, B Corp, Business, corporate social responsibility, CSR, Global Goals, netzero, pro bono, purpose, SDGs, sustainability
2030hub and East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce (ELCC) have today announced an innovative partnership to...