Liverpool City Council has now announced its Climate Emergency Declaration including initial commitments to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Liverpool Mayor Joe Anderson called on all political parties to unite to achieve the ambition of making Liverpool a net zero carbon city by 2030.
The Council also elected to begin its formal journey to align and support the SDGs, with initial mapping work to undertaken by 2030hub on behalf of the City. The Council has now committed to:
"Incorporate the Sustainable Development Goals in to Liverpool City Council’s policies and reflect the SDG’s within the Select committee’s work plan."
The full council voted unanimously, with the declaration formally signed by the Mayor and party leaders, and to establish a Climate Change Select Committee to look at four key themes:
- Transport and Air Quality
- Buildings and the Built Environment
- Waste, Recycling and Energy
- Low Carbon Economy
Councillor Laura Robertson-Collins was also appointed Cabinet Member for Environment and Sustainability.
Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson said:
“Climate change is not just a threat to our children, or our children’s children. It is happening right here, right now which is why the city council is setting the target to become a zero carbon local authority.
2030hub Founder, David Connor said:
"It is exciting to see the City of Liverpool aligning its traditionally strong social justice themes with the climate emergency challenge, and using the SDGs as a framework to accelerate combined impact via the often overlooked interconnectivity between the two themes. Liverpool can now further reinforce its emerging position as a pioneering city and true global citizen."
The full report for the evenings debate is available via this link.