Carbon-zero pledge encourages LCR businesses to combine local impact with global citizenship to support the future of Liverpool City Region.
Businesses across Liverpool City Region are being asked to pledge in a new zero-carbon campaign, 2030zero.
2021 marks five years since countries around the world signed up to the Paris Agreement on climate change. But many of its ambitions have yet to filter down at government level, let alone a more local level.
2030zero will help and support the region’s businesses to begin their journey to net zero, with advice, resources, events, peer-to-peer support and promotion. The campaign is being championed by 2030hub and Ethos magazine, as a pledge for Liverpool. It’s inclusive, accessible and supportive.
Businesses will be asked to pledge that:
“We acknowledge that climate change is a critical threat to the local economy, nature and society-at-large, our company commits to take action immediately in order to:
- Halve our greenhouse gas emissions before 2030
- Achieve net zero emissions before 2050
- Disclose our progress on a yearly basis"
Research by the 2030hub shows that fewer than ten out of 50,000+ LCR businesses currently have a public net zero commitment, and was a catalyst for creating 2030zero.
The pledge is designed to make a specific difference to people locally. Globally, sustainable business models could create economic opportunities worth US$12 trillion, and increase employment by up to 380 million jobs, by 2030. Locally, our businesses will become more sustainable, our places healthier and our people – our teams, customers, friends and family – will live in a world that can sustain them. Net-zero represents the biggest economic opportunity for our economy and a chance to tie sustainable and long term growth with justice for the planet.
As the UK hosts COP26 in Glasgow this autumn, Liverpool City Region can lead with a pioneering, collaborative and innovative approach. It’s connected to the city’s existing adoption of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and connects to local Covid recovery social impact priorities. 2030zero also prioritises local offsetting and additional support for those furthest behind in our own communities.
2030zero is about private sector leadership and collaboration. It’s free for participants to join, encouraging them to be bold and innovative. The ‘pledge +’ commitment also guarantees businesses that get involved additional promotional activity and opportunities. It will provide tools to help net zero employee champions and opportunities for individuals to make personal contributions.
Launching in Global Goals Week, the pledge taps into eight of the SDGs:
1 no poverty
4 quality education
7 affordable and clear energy
8 decent work and economic growth
11 sustainable cities and communities
13 climate action
15 life on land
17 partnerships for the goals
David Connor, Director at the 2030hub, the world’s first, and one of only eight UN-recognised SDG Local2030 Hubs across the world. He says:
“The campaign launches on Friday 24 September as part of this year’s Global Goals Week: Liverpool campaign. 2030hub is encouraging all local organisations to promote their SDG successes, stories and challenges across the region and the world. We are also running four of our own events during the week – two for SDGs at city-level, and two events for businesses, which will launch the 2030zero pledge.
“Net zero will critically become about access to all finance, and quickly. Without a credible target and plan, even the smallest businesses will find it increasingly difficult to identify finance.”
Pledge now! www.2030zero.com
#GGWLiverpool #2030zero #Liverpool2030