“International Literacy Day 2019 is an opportunity to express solidarity with the celebrations of the 2019 International...
Martin Boot, Director of partnerships at 2030hub will be presenting at Improved Resilience Makes Good...
Join 2030hub, the Department for International Development and guests to learn about and explore the...
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are revolutionising how businesses operate in a climate and social...
2030hub, David Connor to attend The UK’s Voluntary National Review of the Sustainable Development Goals...
2030hub Director, Stephen to attend EUROCITIES task-force on the localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals...
Attending this engaging and interactive workshop, designed in partnership with Impact, you will develop a...
To help cities report on their progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals the UN has called on Cities to submit their own efforts via a new ‘Voluntary Local Review’ framework.